Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 3).djvu/400

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British shipping.[1] It will be observed that, both in the foreign and in the coasting trades, the countries which have reciprocated the liberal policy of the United Kingdom are those which have most benefited by the repeal of our restrictions, while the countries which continue to maintain unequal restrictions on British ships, and against which, alone, any measure of retaliation could have been directed, are those

  1. Coasting Trade of the United Kingdom, 1857.

                             | Entered. | Cleared.
    Nationality of |Sailing Vessels. | Steam Vessels. | Sailing Vessels.| Steam Vessels.
    Vessels. | | | |
                             |Vessels.| Tons. | Vessels.| Tons.| Vessels.| Tons. | Vessels.| Tons.
    Russian | 4 | 1,603 | | | 5 | 1,729 | |
    Swedish | 22 | 3,755 | | | 22 | 3,630 | |
    Norwegian | 27 | 5,580 | | | 26 | 5,426 | |
    Danish | 85 | 9,633 | | | 85 | 9,692 | |
    Prussian | 50 | 9,953 | | | 44 | 9,043 | |
    Mecklenburg-Schwerin | 17 | 3,600 | | | 19 | 4,400 | |
    Hanoverian | 30 | 2,176 | | | 36 | 2,448 | |
    Oldenburg and Knyphausen | 4 | 330 | | | 4 | 451 | |
    Hamburg | 6 | 694 | | | 5 | 689 | 1 | 250
    Bremen | | | | | | | |
    Lubeck | | | | | | | |
    Dutch | 47| 4,535 | 2| 336 | 40 | 4,143 | |
    Belgian | 4| 593 | | | 3 | 337 | 5 | 840
    French | 4| 507 | | | 9 | 854 | |
    Spanish | 3| 572 | | | 2 | 401 | |
    Portuguese | | | | | 1 | 95 | |
    Sardinian | | | | | | | |
    Tuscan | | | | | | | |
    Papal | 2| 381 | | | | | |
    Two Sicilies | 3| 615 | | | 5 | 1,080 | |
    Austrian | 1| 387 | | | 4 | 1,002 | |
    Greek | 1| 312 | | | 2 | 532 | |
    America, U.S. | 7| 4,797 | | | 12 | 5,883 | |
                             | 317 |50,023 | 2| 336 | 324| 51,835| 6 | 1090
                             | |
                             | Vessels, 319. | Vessels, 330.
                             | Tons, 50,359. | Tons, 52,925.

    The Entrances and Clearances of British ships in the same year amounted to upwards of 80,000,000 tons!!