Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 3).djvu/407

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is also allowed by law, it is only carried out to a trifling extent in practice, the latter having only advanced from 719,815 to 860,406 tons, while the former has advanced from 2,089,037 to 3,168,105.

It now remains to consider the shipping accounts for 1858.[1] These exhibited a decline as compared with those of the preceding years, and to this extent gave indications of the depression of which Ship-*owners so much complained.

The accounts of December 1858 and January 1859,[2] if taken separately, showed that a favourable reaction had already commenced, and that British shipping

  1. Tonnage entered and cleared with cargoes and in ballast at ports of the United Kingdom, in 1857 and 1858 respectively.

           | British. | Foreign. | Total.
     1857 | 13,691,107 | 9,484,685 | 23,178,792
     1858 | 12,891,405 | 9,418,576 | 22,309,981

    Number and tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels built and registered in the United Kingdom, in 1857 and 1858.

          | | Vessels. | Tonnage. |
          | 1857 | 1278 | 250,472 |
          | 1858 | 1000 | 208,080 |

  2. Total tonnage of British Vessels entered and cleared with cargoes (including repeated voyages) in the months of December 1858, and January 1859, as compared with corresponding months of 1856-7-8.

             | 1856. | 1857. | 1858. | 1859.
    December | 848,762 | 853,619 | 970,174 |
    January | | 678,705 | 603,393 | 700,445