Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 3).djvu/477

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in some important respects the operation of the law of May 1866, and rendered it less beneficial to the people of France.

  • [Footnote: official fees, and take steps for their recovery, conformably to the third

paragraph of Article 1 of the Law of May 19, 1866.

Art. 5. All declarations relative to machines and machinery, to detached parts of the same, and to other articles completely manufactured, should contain the description of the said articles, in order to ensure identification, and this, without prejudice to the stamp which may be applied to steam or other machinery, to detached portions of machines, to boilers, to sails, and to such other articles as the Custom-house officers may think fit to apply it.

Art. 6. The incorporation into vessels of the raw material, or the placing on board of manufactured articles destined for construction, rigging, or equipment, shall be preceded by a declaration specifying—

1st. The nature and weight of the raw material, as well as of the manufactured articles to be employed or put on board;

2nd. The date, number, and office of delivery of Custom-house discharge; and,

3rd. The vessel to the construction, repair, or use of which the said raw materials or the said manufactured articles shall have been applied.

When a manufactured article, which shall have required several metals in its construction is in question, the declaration shall indicate the weight of each kind of metal.

Art. 7. The Custom-house, in order to check the declarations set out of the employment, whether as to raw material or manufactured articles, shall make use of whatever mode of proceeding it may judge necessary.

Art. 8. There shall not be applied to vessels in substitution:—

1st. For iron in bars of irregular shape, any except articles manufactured with iron of a like irregular shape.

2nd. For iron plates and rolled copper of a millimètre and less in thickness, any objects unless manufactured with sheet iron or rolled copper not exceeding that thickness.

In no case shall articles be admitted in the auditing of the importation accounts, made up with materials of a degree of manufacture less advanced than that of the articles tendered for entry.

Art. 9. Products manufactured with raw materials introduced duty free must represent those same materials weight for weight, and without any allowance for waste.

Art. 10. All infractions of the provisions of the present Decree will be followed by the application of the penalties provided under the third paragraph of Article 1 of the Law of the 19th May, 1866.]*