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I am aware that there may he some difficulty in obtaining an alteration of the law, but this ought not to be any obstacle when the interests at stake are so very large and of so grave a character. If the proper representation is made, I think the Government of the United States cannot now hesitate to place our vessels in all their courts on the same terms as we have recently placed their vessels in all our courts, and if the executive is prepared to enter into a convention, having that object in view, it will no doubt be confirmed by Congress.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
W. S. Lindsay.

To the Assistant Secretary,
Marine Department, Board of Trade.

Note.—This correspondence was not at all satisfactory to me, but as I was then in a very precarious state of health, I sent copies of it to Mr. John Burns, whose firm (the Cunard Company) was more deeply interested in the matter to which it refers than any other. He followed it up with his usual energy and ability, and through his exertions the responsibility of British Shipowners has now been limited in the States, as well as in the Federal Courts of the United States of America, to the same extent as the Shipowners of that country would be held liable in an action, through loss at sea by collision or otherwise, brought against them in this country. See Parliamentary Papers, 'British Ships in American Waters,' No. 236, 17th May, 1871; and 'United States Liability of Shipowners' Collision,' No. 173, 18th May, 1874.

W. S. L.



(Inclosure in No. 53.)

Mr. Lindsay to his Majesty the Emperor of the French.

Paris, 10th January, 1861.


In accordance with your Majesty's desire, expressed at the interview with which you honoured me this morning, I may here recapitulate the facts which I then brought under your notice.

In the early part of last session of Parliament I brought under the consideration of the House of Commons the following resolution:—