Page:History of merchant shipping and ancient commerce (Volume 3).djvu/687

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Government on the Navigation Bill, greatly to the annoyance of the Shipowners, p. 278

Wharfinger, the, responsible for the safe delivery of all goods on board vessels, p. 11 Williams, Mr., observations by, on the advantages of a general seaman's fund, p. 38, and notes

Wilson, Mr. J. (editor of the 'Economist'), shows that, practically, the Navigation Laws were of little value to British shipowners, p. 233 —— urges that reciprocity must rest on equivalents which were, in this case, impossible, p. 234 —— resists Mr. Gladstone's notion of reciprocity in some cases by special treaties, as sure to be misunderstood by foreigners, p. 234 —— opposes reciprocity even in shipping, p. 235 —— maintained that real reciprocity meant perfect freedom of trade to those who gave perfect freedom to us, ibid.

——, his supposition that America would act on the principle of her law of 1828, altogether fallacious, p. 253

Wrecks, accurate return of, first provided by Board of Trade in 1856, p. 468

Wrecks, inquiry into, one of the most valuable parts of the Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, p. 316

Wrecks cast on shore, general superintendence of, and appointment of receivers, placed under the Board of Trade by Merchant Shipping Act of 1854, p. 317

West Indies, 15,000 slaves perish from starvation between 1780 and 1787, p. 58

—— demand Free-trade on nearly the same principles as Canada, pp. 133-4

Yeames, Mr., Consul-General at Odessa, reply by, to Foreign Office Circular, p. 44

Young, Mr. G. F., strenuous advocate of the Navigation Laws, &c., as they were, pp. 143-6

——, arguments in favour of Protection adduced by him before the Committee of the House of Lords, pp. 172-175

—— considers the "Long-voyage" Clause the most important in the Navigation Laws, p. 174

—— proposes some minor modifications of the Navigation Laws, pp. 174-5

——, which are not, however, accepted by Government, p. 177

—— moves a strenuous resolution at the meeting of Shipowners, Dec. 15, 1858, p. 365

Zollverein, The, list of the States united under this commercial bond, p. 112

Zollverein States, treaties made with—after the fashion of that with Austria—1841, pp. 112-3