Page:History of the 305th field artillery (IA historyof305thfi01camp).pdf/35

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"You bet. Closed both eyes so the tears couldn't get out, and satisfied himself at the same time. I remember he shouted as he swung: 'Hay, Boss! It's a grand war!'"

Those already in uniform, none the less, felt a quick sympathy for the newcomers. Their individualities slipped away from them so easily! At the station they

When the recruits began to arrive at Camp Upton
When the recruits began to arrive at Camp Upton
Drawn by Musician Boyle, Hq. Co.

were labelled and assigned to barracks. They were herded and marched in long, uncouth lines, to the hospital for physical examination. We formed squads and tried to instruct them in the school of the soldier. Rich and poor, Hebrew and Gentile, short and long, straw-hatted, felt-hatted, or without any hats at all, they faced us, eager, one knew, to learn.

"One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Squad halt. Right face. Left face. About face."

Those that couldn't speak English very well got the commands confused. Others had a curious lack of balance. All had a disposition to laugh at mistakes and accidents, and to discuss and argue about them while in ranks at attention.