Page:History of the Devil, ancient and modern (2).pdf/11

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But I only give the general hint of theſe things,
as they appear recorded in the annals of Satan's
firſt tyranny, and at the beginning of his govern-
ment in the world: thoſe that would be more
particularly informed, may enquire of him and
know farther.
And here, to be ſure, began the Devil's new
kingdom: as he had now ſeduced the two firſt
creatures, he was pretty ſure of ſucceſs upon all
the race; and therefore prepared to attack them
alſo, as ſoon as they came on, nor was their en-
creaſing multitude any diſcouragement to his at-
tempt, but juſt the contrary; for he had events
enough to employ, if every man and woman that
ſhould be born was to want a Devil to wait upon
them, ſeparately and ſingly, to ſeduce them; wher-
eas ſome whole nations have been ſuch willing ſub-
jects to him, that one of his ſeraphic imps may,
for aught we know, have been enough to guide a
whole country; the people being entirely ſubjuct
ed to his government for many ages, as in Ame-
rica for example, where ſome will have it, that
he conveyed the firſt inhabitants; at leaſt, if he
did not, we don't know who did, or how they got
But as to the Americans, let the Devil and
them alone to account for them going thither;
this we are certain of, that we knew nothing of
them for many hundred years; and when we did,
they that went from hence found Satan in a full
and quiet poſſeſſion of them, ruling them with an
arbitrary government, particular ta himſelf. He
had led them into a blind ſubjection, nay, I might
call it devotion (for it was all the religion that
was to be found among them); worſhipping hor-
rid idols in his name, to whom he directed human
sacrifices continually to be made, till he deluged
the country with blood, and ripened them up for