Page:History of the Devil, ancient and modern (2).pdf/9

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his actions and connections. This we are con-
vinced of, when we come to ſpeak of his ſhape, or
perſonality of ſubſtance; and as we ſhall have
occaſion to ſay a good deal on that ſcore after-
wards, we leave the reader, from the credibility
of the witneſſes, to attach what degree of belief
he pleaſes to it. Only we are certain, whatever
his puiſſance is as prince of the power of the air,
it is limited here, and that in two particulars:
firſt, he is limitated from aſſuming a body, or
body ſhapes with ſubſtance: and ſecondly, from
exerting ſeraphic powers, and acting with that
ſupernatural force, which as an angel he was cer-
tainly veſted with before the Fall and which we
are not certain is yet taken from him: or at moſt,
we do not know how much it may or may not be
diminished by his degeneracy, and by the blow
given him at his expulſion. This we are certain,
that be his power, greater or leſs, he is reſtrained
from exerciſing it in this world; and he who was
once equal to the angel who killed 180,000 men
in one night, is not able now without a new com-
miſſion, to take away the life of one Job, nor touch
any thing he had.
But let us conſider him then limited and re-
ſtrained as he is, yet he remains a mighty, a ter-
rible, an immortal being, far ſuperior to man as
well in the dignity of his nature, as is the dread-
ful powers he retains ſtill about him. It is true
the brain ſick heads of our enthuſiaſtics print him
blacker than he is; and as I have ſaid, wickedly
represent him clothed with terrors that do not
really belong to him; as if the power of good
and evil was wholly veſted in him, and that he
was placed in the throne of hie Maker, to diſtri
bute both puniſhments and rewards, in this they
are very wrong, terrifying and deluding fanciful
people about him, till they turn their heads and