Page:History of the First Council of Nice.djvu/66

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assemblage. Pontus also, and Galatia, Pamphylia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Phrygia, supplied those, who

    • Hosius, of Cordova, in Spain; chief counsellor, in ecclesiastical affairs in the West, to Constantine; of whom Athanasius writes, "Was not he, old Hosius, presiding over the Synod?"—Apol. de Fuga, ii. 5.
    • Hypatius, of Gangra in Pamphilia, who suffered martyrdom, being stoned by the Novatians.
    • James, of Antioch, alias Nisbis, in Mygdonia, who was reputed to be able to perform miracles, and to raise the dead.
    • John, the Persian.
    • Leontius, subsequently bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia, who was called a prophet.
    • Longinus, of Neo-Cæsarea in Pontus.
    • Longinus,* of Cappadocia.
    • Macarius, of Jerusalem, whom Athanasius classes among the most distinguished opponents of Arianism.
    • Marcellus, bishop of Ancyra in Galatia, a person of weight in the Council.
    • Marcus, of Calabria.
    • Maris,* of Chalcedon in Bithynia, who was banished by the emperor for Arianism soon after the Nicene Council.
    • Meletius,* of Thebes.
    • Meletius,* of Sebastopolis in Pontus.
    • Menophantes,* of Ephesus in Ionia.
    • Narcissus,* of Neronopolis in Cilicia.
    • Nicasius, of Dijon, France.
    • Nicholas, of Myra in Lycia, the same as our Santa Claus. This bishop was not one of those who signed the Decrees, and it is doubtful if he was present. But many legends connect him with this great Council of Nicæa.
    • Paphnutius, of Upper Thebes, which is now Upper Egypt. He had lost his right eye and both his legs in the Maximinian persecution. He was a reputed worker of miracles.
    • Patrophilus,* of Scythopolis in Galilee.
    • Paulinus,* of Tyre in Phœnicia.
    • Paul, Secretary of Alexander of Byzantium, 12 years old.
    • Paulus, or Paul, of Neo-Cæsarea, upon Euphrates. He had had his hands withered by hot irons, and been horribly tortured otherwise in the persecutions, by order of Licinius.
    • Pistus, of Athens in Attica.
    • Potamon, of Heraclea in Egypt, who had lost an eye in the Maximinian persecution.
    • Protogenes of Sardica in Thrace.
    • Secundus,* of Theuchira.
    • Secundus,* of Ptolemais in Egypt, who was one of the two Arians excommunicated.
    • Sentianus, of Boreum.