Page:History of the Forty-eighth Regiment, M.V.M. during the Civil War (IA historyoffortyei00plumm).pdf/87

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pits and making the situation very disagreeable. Order in regard to detail of one officer and twenty-five men for storming party countermanded, as more than the required number had volunteered.

June 18. Regiment supporting an Indiana battery, at the front, early in the morning having moved in to the rifle pits.

June 20. Sharpshooters are making things lively. There are rumors floating through the camps that Vicksburg has fallen. Regiment ordered to move into the rifle pits at dark.

June 21. Regiment occupied the rifle pits last night. The 2d Vermont Battery kept up a kind of intermittent firing. Regiment relieved at night and returned to the rear, bivouacking in the woods.

June 22. Election held in Co. B for vacant offices. Lieut. Merrill was elected Captain, receiving 16 votes to 15 for Lieut. Rollins; 1st Sergt. James S. Walsh was elected Second Lieutenant.

June 23. There has been considerable discussion of the vexing question of termination of service. There are very few officers left with the regiment, and the duty is very hard in consequence.

June 24. Lieut. Maginnis (who was wounded in the assault of the 27th of May) died of his wounds today.

June 26. Orders received to take the regiment to the rear and bivouac near Brigade Headquarters, and just at night ordered to relieve the 2d Louisiana in the advance rifle pits.

June 27. Col. Stone on the sick list. After being relieved from the rifle pits ordered to go to the left and