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M. DUMAS RESIGNS. — HIS CHAKACTEK. 93 and nothing to gain. He accordingly withdrew his chap. demands for the payment of a sum of money, as tribute, m * and for the surrender of the family of Chanda Sahib, 1741, and retired without any further demonstrations, fortified by cordials, to the western coast. The expedition against Mahe, to the organisation of which we have alluded, resolved itself into a blockade, which lasted eight months, when it was put an end to by M. de la Bourdonnais in a manner to which we shall presently refer. The conduct of M. Dumas on this occasion — his bold and resolute refusal to deliver up his guests ; the cool- ness with which he had defied the conqueror of Trichin- apalli — procured him, amongst the nations of southern India, the reputation of a hero. Congratulations and thanks poured in to him from oil sides. The Subadar of the Dakhan, Nizamu-l-Mulk, wrote to him a letter of thanks couched in terms of the highest respect, and transmitted to him, at the same time, a dress of honour. Safdar Ali, as a mark of esteem, sent him the armour of his deceased father, richly adorned with gold and precious stones, together with three elephants, several horses, many swords and jewelled weapons, and accom- panied by a letter carried by his favourite minister. The Emperor of Delhi, Muhammad Shah, on hearing of this successful resistance to Maratha presumption, con- ferred upon M. Dumas the rank of Nawwab, with the title of Man^abdar of 4,500 horse, 2,000 of whom he was allowed to keep about his person in time of peace, without being at any charge for their maintenance. On the application of M. Dumas the title and command were declared transferable to his successor. Shortly before the receipt of these honours, M. Dumas had intimated to his masters his wish to return to his native country. His resignation had been accepted, and Joseph Francis Dupleix, the successful Intendant of Chandranagar, had been nominated to succeed him.