Page:History of the French in India.djvu/165

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GARRISON OF MADRAS. 143 oeen prevented by the interest of Mo Dupleix with the chap Nawwab Anwaru-dm, from profiting to the full extent . '_, from their advantage. A positive prohibition had been 1746. placed upon them with reference to the French settle- ments on the coast, and they had been compelled to confine their operations to the capture of stray mer- chantmen on the seas. The Court of Directors, deem- ing themselves secure of conquest, had never contem- plated the possibility of Madras being in danger. They had, therefore, altogether neglected to supply soldiers for its defence ; nor does its appear that the contin- gency of defence being necessary ever presented itself to Governor Morse. When, therefore, the news in quick succession reached Fort St. George, that La Bourdonnais' squadron had left the Isle of France, that it had engaged and repulsed the English squadron off Nagapatan, that it had arrived at Pondichery, and was making preparations for an attack upon Madras itself, the surprise and consternation which prevailed amongst its residents may perhaps be imagined. The defences of Fort St. George were certainly not very formidable. The fort itself was an oblong, 400 yards by 100, sur- rounded by a slender wall, defended by four bastions and four batteries, very slight and defective in their construction, and unprovided with outworks. The English garrison consisted of 300 men, of whom 34 were Portuguese vagabonds or deserters, or negroes ; of the remainder only 200 were fit for duty. The officers were three lieutenants, two of whom were foreigners, and seven ensigns who had risen from the ranks.* In his extremity, Governor Morse applied to the Nawwab of the Karnatik. It will be recollected that when this nobleman had forbidden the exercise of hos- tilities by the English against any place in the posses- sion of the French on the Koromandel coast, he had

  • East India Chronicle.