Page:History of the French in India.djvu/203

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LA BOURDONNAIS MAKES NEW PKOPOSALS. 181 posal of the fleet. After hearing the opinions of the chap. captains, a resolution was arrived at that the six vessels , then off Pondichery should proceed to Achm,* under M. 1743. Dordelin, the senior captain, there to remain till the 20th or 25 th of December, when the squadron should bear up for Pulikat, to proceed thence, if circumstances were favourable, to Madras, These orders were sent sealed to M. Dordelin. Neither Dordelin nor any of his junior captains appear to have been men of energy or character. The authority in whose presence they found themselves at the moment, acted upon them with a force that to their feeble natures was irresistible. They had not been many hours at sea, when they received a letter from La Bourdonnais informing them of his de- parture from Madras, and directing them to proceed along the coast to join him. On opening at the same time their sealed orders, their perplexity was extreme. It was difficult for them to decide to whom their obedi- ence was due. Whilst yet hesitating, they fell in with the maimed squadron of La Bourdonnais. His daring, decided spirit settled the question in a moment. Taking upon him the command of the united squadron, he ordered them to accompany him as he continued his course for Pondichery. In that roadstead he anchored on the 27th. Once more at Pondichery, the contest between the two men recommenced. It formed part of the plan of La Bourdonnais, and there can be no doubt that, as a plan, it was able and well considered, to take round the squadron to the Malabar coast. Leaving the sound vessels cruising in the Arabian Sea, he would have taken the damaged ships into the neutral harbour of Goa, and have there completely refitted them. Buying then other

  • Achin is a native state in the about three miles from the sea. The

north-western part of the island of port is indifferent, but affords a safe Sumatra. The chief town, bearing anchorage during the north-west the same name, is situate on a river monsoon.