Page:History of the French in India.djvu/257

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NASIR JANG SEIZES THE DAKHAN. 235 hereditary in the family. Now Nizam-ul-Mulk had left chap. . » VI five sons. The eldest, Ghazi-ud-din Khan, was, how- ever, high in the imperial service, and preferred pushing 1749. his fortunes at Delhi to striking for an inheritance which he felt could only be gained by the sword. The second son, Ahmad Khan, called also Nasir Jang, had been engaged in constant rebellion against his father, but he was with him, having been recently released from captivity, when he died. The other three sons were looked upon as men of little mark, content to live a life of ease and pleasure at the court of Aurangabad. Besides these sons, there was a grandson, Muzaffar Jang, the son of a daughter, who had been always indicated by his grandfather as his successor. The consent of Muhammad Shah to this arrangement had been previously obtained, and on the death of Nizam-ul- Mulk, a firman, it is said, was issued by the court of Delhi nominating Muzaffar Jang viceroy in his place. When that event occurred, however, Muzaffar Jang was at his government at Bijapur, whilst the lately rebellious son, Nasir Jang, was on the spot. This latter at once acted in accordance with the customs which had obtained from time immemorial under the Muhammadan sway in Hindustan. He seized his father's treasures, bought over the leading men and the army, and proclaimed himself Subadar of the Dakhan. The claims of Muzaffar Jang he derided, and set his person at open defiance. Muzaffar Jang, however, was not inclined to give up his pretensions without a struggle, though for the moment he did not possess the means to support them. In this crisis he bethought him of the Marathas, the hereditary enemies of Muhammadan authority, and he decided to go in person to Satara to demand their assistance. At Satara he met Chanda Sahib, of whose reputation he was fully cognisant. The two men felt at once that they could be mutually serviceable to one