Page:History of the French in India.djvu/383

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HE DISCONCERTS BALAjf. 359 occasion : — " Care not," he said, " for the invading chap army, you will best preserve the Dakhan by marching . _ upon Puna." It is a signal proof of his great influence 1751. at the court of the Subadar, that this bold advice was promptly followed. The better to make his prepara- tions the Subadar had moved from Aurangabad to Golkonda. When, after many clays, he ascertained that the allied enemies had begun their movements from two opposite directions upon Aurangabad, he, accompanied by Bussy, and in pursuance of the plan suggested by him, broke up from that place, and, leaving Aurangabad to its fate, marched upon Bidar,* the original capital of the ancient kingdom of that name. Besides the large but irregular army of Salabat Jang, Bussy had with him 500 French troops in the highest state of discipline, and 5,000 drilled sipahis. Meanwhile, no sooner was the rainy season over, than Balaji Baji Rao entered the Dakhan, and, proceeding on the true Maratha principle of making war support war, ravaged the country on every side. It is not to be imagined that he had any particular regard for Ghazi-ud- dfn, or any particular hatred of Salabat Jang. With him it was simply a matter of business. Whilst the two Muhammadans were fighting for the sovereignty of the province, it was for him to hold aloof until one was thoroughly beaten, and both were completely exhausted.

  • Grant Duff and the author of safety of Puna. On the other hand,-

the " Seir Mutakherin " both state Bidar lies in the direct route from that Ahmad n agar was the town upon Go ! konda, where Bussy then was, which the Subadar marched after to Puna, and it is the place whence leaving Golkonda. Mr. Oi me on the the most telling attack could be contrary indicates Bidar. We are made on the Maratha's territory, inclined to believe that in this in- We can easily imagine how the stance Mr. Orme is correct. The intelligence of an expedition starting Marathas were marching on Auran- for Puna from that place, would gabad from Puna, and their natural inevitably bring down Balaji from route would take them through the north to protect his capital. Ahmadnagar. Considering that Ellioit's History of India by its Grhazi-ud-dm was likewise march- own Historians (vol. viii., pag-e 318) tag upon Aurangabad, a movement states distinctly that Ghazi-ud din of Bussy upon Ahmadnagar would marched on and occupied Auranga- certainly not have had the effect of bad, audthat Salabat Jang, on hear- alarruing BalajBaji-i Rao about the ing this, marched forth to meet him.