Page:History of the French in India.djvu/398

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374 BUSSY TO 1754. chap, from the seat of the French power — accompanied only a . by a small detachment of French soldiers and sipahis, 1753. leaving the remainder at Haidarabad, the governor of which city received at the same time the most positive instructions to make them no advances of pay. He determined at the same time to disembarrass himself and the court of the presence of M. Goapil, who, im- becile as he was, yet by virtue of his commission as commandant ad interim of the French forces, occupied a position which, when the plot was ripe for execution, might give him sufficient influence with the Subadar to defeat it. This part of his scheme he managed with an adroitness the coolness of which is worthy of admir- ation. He went to Goupil, told him of the intended movement to Aurangabad, intimated the intention of the Subadar to take with him but a small escort of French troops, and then begged that he would com- mand it. Goupil, unsuspicious, replied that his duty was to remain with the bulk of the force, and that as the escort was to be so small, it would suffice if it were commanded by an officer of inferior rank. He accord- ingly remained at Haidarabad, sending M. de Janville, an officer of but little weight or experience, to com- mand the escort accompanying the Subadar. Determined from the outset to leave no stone un- turned to accomplish his end, Saiyid Lashkar had like- wise entered into a correspondence with the English, offering to aid them with the whole power of the Dakhan, if they would assist him in his schemes for the expulsion of the French. This proposition coincided entirely with the wishes of Mr. Saunders, but, engaged at the time in a deadly straggle with the French before TrichinapalH, he was able to lend only a moral support. He entered, however, into an active correspondence with Saiyid Lashkar, and encouraged him to persevere in his great undertaking. Towards the end of April, 1753, the plot seemed on the verge of success. The