Page:History of the French in India.djvu/428

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402 THE FALL OF DUPLE1X. chap, in Waikanda threw up intrenchments, as though pre- IX _ , pared to defend it. Lawrence, whose supply of pro- 1753. visions had become again exhausted, advanced, a few day later, to the Five Rocks, and on September 4 made as if he would attack Waikanda. Brennier, totally demoralised, did not even attempt the defence of the place, but retreated hurriedly and in disorder to Mutachalinur, on the banks of the Kavari, a position which assured his communications with Srirangam. Here, to his surprise, he was joined by an important reinforcement of 400 Europeans, 2,000 sipahis, and six guns, under M. Astruc, and 3,000 tried Maratha cavalry. Astruc at once re-assumed the command of the French force. This reinforcement ought to have changed the fortune of the campaign. The French soldiers, of which it was partly composed, were men who had but recently arrived from the Isle of France, and who had been engaged during the few subsequent weeks in over- running the Karnatik. They were free from the discouragement that had fallen on the others, and should have been employed on the offensive before they had become inoculated by the despondency that reigned in the camp. But previous ill-success had made Astruc overcautious. The third day after the junction he led the combined force towards the south, and took possession of the Five Rocks, and the Golden and Sugarloaf Rocks, recommencing that system of blockade which had twice before brought the English to great straits. Lawrence on his part moved towards Elmiseram, alike with a view to cover his convoys, and to effect a junction with a fresh reinforcement of Europeans then shortly expected. In such a position it was the policy of the French to avail themselves of their superior numbers to attack the English. The occasion was favourable ; Murari Rao in particular urged it upon them; but their councils were divided, and Astruc