Page:History of the French in India.djvu/511

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BUSSY DISMISSED. 485 back the French bond. It was impossible, however, to chap. keep such an arrangement long concealed from the ^ watchful enemies of the French leader. The transaction 1756. had scarcely been concluded, before all the details con- nected with it were in the possession of Shah Nawaz Khan. The Diwan instantly communicated them to Salabat Jang ; he, painted in its blackest colours the 64 crime " committed by Bussy ; pointed out that he had deprived the Subadar of the treasures which the capture of Savanur would have gained for him, merely to put this bond into his own pocket ; called attention to the fact that notwithstanding that a Frenchman had been appointed Nawwab of the Karnatik, no rents had been received from the French ; he intimated that now was the time for their expulsion, now, when the Subadar was at peace with the Marathas, when Balaji himself would support him in his action, now, when Bussy was on the borders of the Maratha country, cut off from the ceded provinces, from Haidarabad and Pondichery. All these arguments, artfully urged and supported by a large party amongst the nobility, so worked upon the feeble mind of Salabat Jang, that he was at last prevailed upon to sign an order dismissing Bussy and his corps from his service, and directing them to quit nis territories without delay : to this was added a pro- viso, not intended to be kept, that they should not be molested on their way, except in case of their commenc- ing hostilities. The blow once struck, Shah Nawaz prepared to follow it up effectually. He instantly despatched a special messenger to the Madras Government, giving full details of the operation, and requesting that the English would at once send a body of troops to aid in the expulsion of the French ; to the Peshwa the proposition was of a different nature — he suggested the assassination of Bussy. Both these applications failed, though from different