Page:History of the Fylde of Lancashire (IA historyoffyldeof00portiala).pdf/126

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Potatoes, per windle 21s. 6d.[1] 7s. 0d. 12s. 8d. 11s. 6d.
Butter, per pound 1s. 1d. 1s. 1-1/2d. 1s. 5d. 1s. 3d.
Eggs, per dozen 0s. 10d. 0s. 10d. 0s. 11d. 1s. 0d.
Pork, per pound 0s. 6d. 0s. 6d. 0s. 5-1/2d. 0s. 6d.
Beef " 0s. 6-1/2d. 0s. 7-1/2d. 0s. 7-3/4d. 0s. 6-3/4d.
Mutton " 0s. 6-3/4d. 0s. 8-1/2d. 0s. 8d. 0s. 7d.
Geese " 0s. 6-3/4d. [2]

  1. This high price was owing to an almost complete failure in the potatoe crops.
  2. Obtained by striking an average of the weekly market quotations in the local
    periodicals, published weekly during the respective years.