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Susannah, only child of Edward Birley, of Kirkham, by whom he had John, Edward Kenworthy, Henry Sudell, William Henry, Cecil Lumsden, Albert Neilson, Charles Herbert, Elizabeth Henriana, Frances Mary, Augusta Margaret, and Caroline Louisa, of whom Edward Kenworthy Hornby, esq., has sat as M.P. for Blackburn; John, M.A., formerly M.P. for Blackburn, and born 1810, married Margaret, daughter of the Rev. Christopher Bird, having issue, John Frederick, Wilfrid Bird, Edith Diana, and Clara Margaret. The Rev. Hugh Hornby, M.A., sixth son of Hugh Hornby, of Kirkham, was vicar of St. Michael's-on-Wyre, and espoused Ann, daughter of Dr. Joshua Starky, a physician, of Redbales, having issue one son, William, now the Venerable Archdeacon Hornby, M.A., and the present vicar of St. Michael's, born in 1810. Archdeacon Hornby married, firstly, Ellen, daughter of William Cross, esq., of Red Scar, and four years after her decease, in 1844, Susan Charlotte, daughter of Admiral Sir Phipps Hornby, K.C.B. The offspring of the earlier union were two—William Hugh and Joseph Starky, both of whom died young; whilst those of the second marriage are—William, Hugh Phipps, Phipps John, James John, William Starky, Susan, and Anne Lucy, the eldest of whom, William, died in 1858, aged thirteen years.


John Leckonby, the earliest of the name we find mentioned as connected with Great Eccleston, on the borders of which stood Leckonby House, was living in 1621, and was twice married—first to Alice, the daughter of Thomas Singleton, of Staining Hall, and subsequently, in 1625, to Marie, the daughter of Henry Preston, of Preston. Richard Leckonby, the eldest son and heir, was the offspring of his first marriage, and like his father, became involved in the civil wars on the royal side. Richard succeeded to the family estates sometime before 1646, for in that year he compounded for them with Parliament. He left issue at his death in 1669, by his wife, Isabel, a numerous family—John; Richard, of Elswick; George; William, of Elswick; Sarah; Martha; and Mary, who married Gilbert Whiteside, of Marton, gentleman. John Leckonby inherited the estate, and resided at the ancestral mansion—Leckonby House. He married Ann, the