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of his life at Fox Hall, and occasionally at Myerscough Lodge. Thomas Tyldesley was born in 1657, and at twenty-two years of age married Eleanor, daughter and co-heiress of Thomas Holcroft, of Holcroft, by whom he had Edward, Dorothy, Frances, Elizabeth, Eleanor, and Mary. After the death of his wife Eleanor, Thomas Tyldesley espoused Mary, sister and co-heiress of Sir Alexander Rigby, of Layton Hall, and had issue—Charles, Fleetwood, James, Agatha, and Winefrid. Thomas Tyldesley, whilst living at Fox Hall, employed his time chiefly in field sports, visits amongst the neighbouring gentry, and frequent excursions to his more distant friends, as we learn from his diary, a portion of which is still preserved. The following extracts from it will illustrate what formed the favourite recreations of the numerous well-to-do families peopling the Fylde at that era:—

"May 16, 1712.—In the morning went round the commone a ffowling, and Franke Malley, Jo. Hull, and Ned Malley, shoot 12 times for one poor twewittee; came home; after dinner Cos. W: W: went with me to Thornton Marsh, where we had but bad suckses; tho wee killed ffive or six head of ffowle.

"May 31, 1712.—Went to y^e Hays to see a race between Mr. Harper's mare and Sanderson's; meet a greatt deal of good company, but spent noe thing.

"June 7, 1712.—Pd. Mrs. 2s. 6d., pd. pro ffish 1s., pro meat 3s.; and affter din^r went with cos Walton to bowle with old Beamont. I spent 10d. att bowling green house with 4 grubcatchers and Tom Walton, and Jo. Styeth.

"June 10, 1713.—Gave Jo^n Malley and Jo. Parkinson 1s. to see y^e cock ffeights. Gave Ned Malley 1s. for subsistence. Din^d in the cockpitt with Mr. Clifton and others. Spent in wine 6d., and pro din^r 1s. Gave y^e fidler 6d. Spent in the pitt betwixt battles 6d.; I won near 30s.

"June 17, 1713.—Al day in y^e house and gardening; went to beed about 7, and riss at 10, in ord^r to goe a ffox hunting.

"Aug^t 29, 1713.—Paid 2s. pro servant, &c.; soe a otter hunting to Wire, but killed none.

"Sept^r 5, 1713.—In the morning Jos. Tounson and I went to Staining; * * thence to Layton-heys to see a foot race, where I won 6d. off Jos. Tounson—white against dun; soe home. Gave white my winings.

"Oct^r 6, 1713.—We hunted y^{tt} hare ffive hours; but y^e ground soe thorrowly drughted by long continewance of ffine wether that we could not kill her.

"Dec^r 16, 1713.—In the morning went a coursing with S^r W: G:; Law^r Rigby, &c.

"March 16, 1714.—In the morning sent Dick Gorney and 6 more harty lads a ffishing; I stop^d with a show^r of raine. Two of Rob. Rich his sons came in on my godson, to whom I gave 1s.; thence followed the ffish^{rs}, where we had very good sport, and tuck 8 brave large growen tenches, and 6 as noble carps as I have seen tuke, severall pearch, some gudgeons, and a large eyell, and 6 great chevens."