Page:History of the Fylde of Lancashire (IA historyoffyldeof00portiala).pdf/236

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The two entrances are closed by means of large wooden gates, and lead respectively into Adelaide and Victoria Streets. The central portion of the in-walled space is occupied by a square, wooden structure, covered over with a slated roof, in the interior of which are stalls for the goods of the different farmers and traders. Friday is the market day, and the following list comprises the various commodities exposed for sale on Friday, the 10th of July, 1846, the earliest recorded, with their prices:—

Oats, per bushel 3s. 10d.
Meal, per load 36s. 0d.
Beans, per windle 16s. 0d.
Butter, per pound 1s. 1d.
Eggs, fresh 16 to 18 for 1s. 0d.
Peas, per strike 0s. 9d.
Potatoes (new), per score 1s. 10d.
   " (old), per windle 8s. 0d.
Beef, per pound 6d. to 7d.
Lamb " 0s. 7d.
Mutton " 0s. 6-1/2d.
Salmon " 0s. 10d.
Lobsters " 1s. 0d.

Since the date of the above quotations, Preston has gradually monopolised the chief portion of the grain trade, and consequently transactions in oats and other cereals are not of frequent occurrence at the local markets of the Fylde.

The Roman Catholic chapel, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, was erected at the north end of Walmsley Street, continuous with the line of houses forming the east side of that street, and opened for divine worship on the 15th of November, 1841. A few years since a more commodious edifice, which will be described hereafter, was erected on another and better site, whilst the old one was dismantled, and subsequently converted into cottages.

The Crown Hotel, a handsome and substantial stone structure facing the Railway Station, was the third hotel erected in Fleetwood, the Fleetwood Arms being the first, and the Victoria the second in point of completion. The original dimensions of the Crown have been considerably increased by the addition in recent years of ample stable accommodation, a large billiard room, and several sleeping apartments.

The North Euston Hotel, which was opened almost