Page:History of the Fylde of Lancashire (IA historyoffyldeof00portiala).pdf/258

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dwelling until rescued in a boat, the following day, from their unpleasant, if not perilous, position. It was in this hurricane that the house erected on the shore for the reception of the life-boat suffered annihilation, and the boat itself narrowly escaped serious damage. Tuesday, the 10th of March, in the same year was observed by the residents as a general holiday and gala day, in honour of the marriage of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, with the Danish Princess, Alexandra. Flags and banners floated from the windows of nearly every habitation, as well as from the roofs of many, while the steamships and other vessels in the harbour were gaily decorated with bunting, which waved in rich and varied tints from their masts, spars, and rigging. Triumphal arches of the "colours of all nations" were suspended across the streets at several points. A large procession of schools and friendly societies in full regalia, with their banners and devices, paraded the different thoroughfares, and were afterwards sumptuously entertained, the latter at their various lodges, and the former in the large area of a cotton warehouse, recently built on the quay by Messrs. B. Whitworth and Bros., of Manchester. The military stationed at the School of Musketry evinced their loyalty by discharging a feu de joie on the warren. In the following November a scheme was proposed for the construction of a coast railway between Fleetwood and Blackpool, to pass through Rossall and Bispham. A survey was made of the route, and according to the plans drawn out, the projected line was intended to have its Fleetwood terminus at the south extremity of Poulton Terrace, opposite the end of West Street, whence it was to run towards the new barracks, near the cemetery, then diverge to the south in the direction of Rossall. From Rossall its course lay towards Bispham and thence onwards to the Blackpool terminus, which would be located in Queen's street, adjoining the station already standing there. The stations, besides those at the two termini, were to be placed at the barracks, Rossall, and Bispham. At Fleetwood the promoters proposed to form a junction with the Preston and Wyre Railway near the old timber pond, for the purpose of passing carriages from one line to the other, whilst at Blackpool a similar object would be effected with the Lytham and Blackpool Railway by deviating eastward from Queen Street, so as to avoid the town, and establishing a junction with the latter line near Chapel Street.