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was increased by including the plot of land lying to the west of the church, and now abutting on the houses of Abingdon Street. Four years later, in 1866, a new and larger tower, furnished with a clock and a peal of eight bells, was completed on the site of

original one, which had been pulled down for this purpose. The

interior of the church contains, in addition to the memorial window already alluded to, mural tablets in memoriam of Robert Banks, gent., died May 27th, 1838, aged 76 years,—"Ever mindful of the calls of general duty, he was also a liberal promoter of the erection and endowment of this church, and by will bequeathed the sum of £100, for the perpetual support of the national school"; Edward, the son of Henry and Margaret Banks, died August 8th, 1845, aged 35 years; the Rev. Thomas Banks, "who was for thirty-five years incumbent of Singleton church, and an eminent instructor of youth," died 1842, aged 73 years.


Date of | Name. |On' whose | Cause of Vacancy.
Institution.| |Preesentation.|
            | | |
1821 | James Formby, B.A. | Trustees. |
1826 | G. L. Foxton, B.A. | Ditto. | Resignation of J.
            | | | Formby.
1829 | Wm. Thornber, B.A. | Ditto. | Resignation of G. L.
            | | | Foxton.
1846 | W. T. Preedy, B.A. | Ditto. | Resignation of W.
            | | | Thornber.
1853 | Alfred Jenour, M.A.| Ditto. | Resignation of W.T.
            | | | Preedy.
1869 | Norman S. Jeffreys,| Ditto. | Death of A. Jenour.
            | M.A. | |

The present patrons of St. John's church are the Rev. C. Hesketh, of North Meols; the Vicar of Bispham; J. Talbot Clifton, esq., of Lytham Hall; and the Raikes Hall Park, Gardens, and Aquarium Company.

In 1821 the census returns of the population of Layton-with-Warbreck showed a total of 749 persons. On the 19th of July in that year the coronation of George IV. was celebrated by the inhabitants and visitors of Blackpool "in a manner most grateful to every benevolent heart." A handsome subcription, we are told