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ejected in the year 1662, for refusing to comply with the Act of Uniformity.

Alice Hankinson, left in 1680, £5 for the use of the minister, and Alice Clitherall a like sum for the same purpose. Thomas Smith bequeathed, in 1685, the annual interest of £20 to Lund chapel. The sum of £10 is received yearly under a trust of 1668, 50s. being for the vicar, and the surplus for the poor. The school was established about 1682, by a legacy of £60 left by John Dickson, half the interest to go to the minister of Lund chapel, providing he belonged to the Church of England, and the other moiety to the master of the school. The interest of £10, origin unknown, is paid each year to the trustees of the school.


1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1841. 1851. 1861. 1871.
 552 575 608 508 538 471 447 447

The township contains 3,776 statute acres.

Treales, Roseacre, and Wharles. The ancient manor of Treales embraced the three estates of Treales, Roseacre, and Wharles, being computed in the Domesday Book to contain two carucates of arable soil. In 1207 Treales was granted to Robert de Vavassour, the father-in-law of Theobald Walter, and subsequently it descended in the Butler family until 1673, when the 9th earl of Derby acquired it with his wife, the daughter of Thomas Butler, the lord Ossory. The present earl of Derby is lord of the manor, and holds a court annually.

The church, a plain stone building with nave and chancel only, was erected in 1853, and endowed five years later by the dean and chapter of Christ Church, Oxford. The Rev. J. Hodgkin is the incumbent.

William Grimbaldson, M.D., left £300 in 1725, the interest to be used for binding out poor apprentices in Treales, whose parents received no parish relief. Boulton's and Porter's charities are rentals amounting to about £12 a-year, to be given to poor persons of the township. Bridgett's charity is the interest of £15 for the poor of Wharles.


1801. 1811. 1821. 1831. 1841. 1851. 1861. 1871.
 675 671 760 756 709 696 632 625

The township has an area of 4,015 statute acres.