Page:History of the Fylde of Lancashire (IA historyoffyldeof00portiala).pdf/448

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her maternal aunt, Agnes Newsham; her mother and sisters, by Anne Wilson, 1871; Margaret Hornby, died 1866; William and Agnes Birdsworth and of their father and mother, by their surviving relatives. In the south side aisle are two memorial windows, one being to Henry Miller, died 1859, aged 46 years, and his infant son, died 1852, by his wife Caroline A. Miller; and the other to John Stevenson, died 1872, aged 78 years; Jane Stevenson, died 1872, aged 64 years; William Elsworth Stevenson, died 1869, aged 31 years; and Jane Stevenson, died 1872, aged 25 years. The clerestory of the church is lighted by twelve single windows, each bearing the representation of a saint, all of which were presented by private individuals.

Date of | Name. | On whose |Cause of Vacancy.
Institution.| | Presentation. |
1379 |William de Aslaby,|Prior and Chapter of |
            | monk | Durham |
            | | |
1413 |William Patrick, | Ditto |
            | monk | |
            | | |
1678 |James Threlfall | |
            | | |
1701 |Josiah Birchall | |
            | | |
1717 |Timothy Pollard |Chancellors, Masters, |Death of Josiah
            | | and Scholars of | Birchall
            | | Cambridge |
            | | |
1741 |Ashton Werden |Alexander Osbaldeston, |
            | | of Preston, esq. |
            | | |
1743 |Robert Willasey | Ditto |
            |Thomas Place | |
            | | |
1760 |John Gibson |Abigail Clayton, of |
            | | Larkhill, Blackburn, |
            | | relict and executor |
            | | of Thomas Clayton, |
            | | who was surviving |
            | | executor of Alexander|
            | | Osbaldeston, of |
            | | Preston, esq. |
            | | |
1800 |Robert Lister, |John Clayton, of |Resignation of
            | B.A. | LittleHarwood, esq. | John Gibson
            | | |
1834 |Richard Barton |Thomas Clifton, esq. |Resignation of
            | Robinson, M.A. | | Robt. Lister
            | | |
1870 |Henry Beauchamp |John T. Clifton, esq. |
            | Hawkins, M.A. | |Resignation of
            | | | R.B.Robinson.

In 1872 the chancel was enlarged and a new vestry erected, whilst the solitary gallery at the west end, formerly used