Page:History of the Haverel wives, or, The folly of witless women displayed (2).pdf/10

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dirty sherney-hought hizzies i' the parish maun hae the like or lang gae; but an I ware to preach, sic pride soudna hae baith peace an property in my parish, I wou'd point out my very finger to thein in the kirk, and name them baith name an surname, and say, There sits sherney Meg o' the Mill, stumpy Mayo' the Moss, sniveling Kate wi' her hodle makenster coat, they come into the kirk bobbing their hin-quarters like three water-wag- tails, shaking their heads like a hunder pund horse, smacking their lips and hauding their mouth like May-paddocks; and what shall I compare them to, but painted Jezebels; the whore of Babylon, or Rachel the harlot, wi' a' their gaudy decoying colours, high taps and spread glittering tails, when they come sailing into the house o' prayer, as it were a house o' dancing and debaushery: Go, go, ye painted pisewips to fairs and weddings, and there display your proud banners of pride, which you are puffed up with, it is the very spirit o the devil, and unbecomming o' the house o' prayer: But if these gilly gaukies shou'd come into the kirk wi' their heels up and their heads down, our Mess John is become like and of the dogs of Egypt, he'll no move his tongue, and I believe he darena for Clippock his wife; wha's element is to banter a' the poor beggars frae her door, nane can stand her but the tinkler-wives, and she's ay whinging about charity, but it's to hersel, she wadna pity the criple on the blind's back,