Page:History of the Haverel wives, or, The folly of witless women displayed (2).pdf/4

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pray like our new ministers, but thump on your breast, strake your fingers o'er aboon your nose, tell your beeds, and rin bare-fit thro' amang hard stanes, and cauld sna'.

 Mag. A heeh woman, an wad they a had carnal dealings wi' the women, and them sae

good and haly.

 Jan. Hout ye daft woman, do you think that their gudeness gelded them tho' they had

nae wives; there was a great sort o' them it they ca'd cardonels, that ay when twa young bodies was married they bute to hae the first night o' the bride.

 Mag. A wae worth them filthy hurcing dogs, if I widna a libbet them mysel, I wonder that the gentle fouks and lairds lote them do the like o' that.
 Jan. A deer woman, the gentle fouks and the lairds keepit ay in wi' them, for they

said they had the command o' the de'il and the dead fouk, and the gentles durst na cast out wi' them, for they got a their sins pardon'd for the less siller.

 Mag: A dear woman that was unco like, the de'il wad get nae body then but the poor

foul, and them that had nae siller:

 Jan. A well a wat' that was true, for an they paid the priest well, the de'il durst na

middle wi' them.

 Mag. A wow woman an what's come o' them a' now, and sure the like o' thae fouks it had sae meikle power, needed neither die nor yet be sick; they wad live a' their days.