Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/154

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BOOK IX. COMMERCE. CHAPTER I. DOMESTIC AND INTERNAL COMMERCE OF THE ARCHIPELAGO, Character of the mercantile profession among the Indian islanders. — Rate of profits, and interest oj" money. — Foreign 7-esident merchants, — Modes of commercial ifitercourse. — International trade. — Nations conducting the carrying trade. '■^Voyages of the Waju merchants. — Principles on rvhichforeign trade is conducted by the natives. I SHALL treat of the commerce of the Archipe- lago in six short chapters, under the respective heads of Domestic and Internal Commerce, — Com- merce with Asiatic Nations, — Direct Commerce with European Nations, — Commerce with the Asiatic Co- lonies of European Nations, — Description of the principal Articlesof Export, — and Description of the principal Imports. The deep interest and import-