Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/493

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ARTICLES OF EXPORTATION. 477 Statemext of the Expences and Profits of a Gold Mine, worked by 200 Labourers. 20 Overseers for 35 days, at 8 Dollars. dollars per month, - 186.67 or L.4'2 180 Miners, for 35 days, at C dol- lars per month, - 1260.00 283 10 30 Per cent, on wages of 200 men, - - 434.00 97 13 70 Piculs ordinary rice, at I dol- lar per picul, - 70.00 15 15 17^ Piculs salt fish, at 2 dollars per picul, - - 35.00 7 17 6 4 Piculs salt, at 14 dollar per picul, - - 5.00 12 6 2 Piculs edible oil, at 15 dol- lars per picul, - 30.00 6 15 Interest of dead stock, and re- pairs of tools and machines, 35.00 7 17 6 Interest upon capital of 2020.67 dollars, at 25 per cent, for 35 days, - - 49.11 11 1 Total charges, 2104.78 L.473 11 6 Produce, 2000 bungkals of Mon- trada gold dust, worth 4848.00 1090 16 Gross profit for 35 days, 2743.22 617 4 6 Annual profit, 28607.89 L.6436 15 6