Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/558

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540 INDEX. ClMsiflcation — Indian islanders divided into six classes, 29 — account of the royal family, ib. — the nobility, 31 — priesthood, 35 — free- men, 38 — debtors, 39 — slaves, ib. Cloth — introduction of cotton, i. 177 — ^previously formed of the filaments of plants, ib. — manufacture of, confined to women, 178 — description and character of cotton, ib. — mode of dyeing and painting, ISO — introduction of silk, 181 Clove — its description, -lOS — distribution, 495 — name, 497 — ^his- tory, ib. — culture, 498 — fecundity, 301 — .m article of importa- tion, 381 — prices in different periods of the trade, compared with those of pepper, 3S2 — history of the clove trade, 384 Clove-bark tree — its culture and uses, i. oOl Club — a universal weapon of savages, i. 222 Cock-fighting — a favourite amusement of the Indian islanders, i. 112 Coco-nut — its extensive culture, i. 379 — an article of exportation, iii. 349 Coffee — its history, i. 486 — culture, 487 — fecundity, 491 — an arti- cle of exportation, iii. 372 — cost, quality, and produce, 373 Coins — See ]Ioney Colonists in the Archipelago — character and manners of the Hindu, i. 133 — Chinese, 134 — Arab, 138 — Dutch, 139 — Spanish, 149 Commerce — its division, iii. 140 — character of the mercantile pro- fession among the Indian islanders, 141 — rate of profits and in- terest, 143 — ^foreign resident merchants, 144 — commercial inter- course, ib. — international trade, 147 — nations condiicting the carrying trade, 14S — voyages of the Waju merchants, 149 — prin- ciples on which foreign trade is conducted, 151 — history of the intercourse with the Chinese, 151^ — Hindus, 186 — Arabs, 199 — Portuguese, 212 — Dutch and English, 217 — colonial ir»tercourse with China, 293 — Japan, 297 — America, 338 — India, 341 — de- scription of articles of exportation, 344 — of importation Compass — navigation of tlie Indian islanders sometimes assisted by it, i. 310 — conjectures respecting its origin, ib. Constitutions — the Indian islanders have robust, i. 30 Copper — very scarce in the Archipelago, i. 182 — the natives taught the use of it by the Hindus, ib. — seldom used in its pure state, 191 — where found, iii. 490 Cosmetics — used for improving the complexion, i. 218 Cotton — its importance, i. 438 — history and culture, ib. — almost entirely consumed on the spot, iii. 350 — its price and quality, 351 — comparison between cotton wool and cloths of different countries, 352 — cotton cloths imported, 502 — quantity and prices, ib. — description of the imports, 503 Cowrie-shells — their use as currency, iii. 445 Crickets — the Javanese amused by combats between, i. 114i Cubeb pepper — its medicinal properties, i. 465 Cucumber — extensively cultivated, i. 377 and 434 Currency, paper — introduced by the European governments, i. 284. — See also Money