Page:History of the Indian Archipelago Vol 3.djvu/570

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552 INDEX. Statues — See Images Stone — a very rare disorder in the Indian Islands, i. 34. Sugar— its culture, i. 473 — history, 475— manufacture of, 476— an article of exportation, iii. 377 — cost, quality, and quantity, 378 — prices of tlifferent sugars compared, 379 Suksi — its culture, i. 438 Sulphur— abundant in the Indian Islands, i. 201 — might become an article of commerce, iii. 494 Sureu — its culture, i. 453 Sword — origin of its use in Java, i. 226 Talagatari — a game of ha2ard practised by the Javanese, i. 112 Tallow-tree — its culture,!. 456 Tamarind — its culture, i. 433 — an article of exportation, iii. 357 — price, ib. Tanjung — its culture, i. 437 Tea— history of the tea trade, iii. 522 Teak — its geographical and physical distribution, i. 449 — paraDel between it and the oak, 451 — its value as an article of commerce, iii. 425 Teeth — practice of blackening and filing them universal in the Archipelago, i. 215 Temples — remains of, in .Java, ii. 195 Tiger — combat between this animal and the buffalo, an amusement of the Javauerc, i. IIS how fought hpforp the Javanese sove- reigns, 121 Timaka — its culture and uses, i. 454 Time — See Calendar Tin — indigenous to the Archipelago, i. 182 — stldoni ui^cd by the natives in its pure state, 191 — where found, iii. 150 — history of mining, 452 — parallel between the mines of Banca and Corn- wall, 464 — ^price, and quantity exported, 466 — general reflections on the tin trade, ib. Tobacco — the practice of smoking, when introduced into the Archipelago, i. 103 — the only agreeable narcotic which thrives in every climate, 104 — present mode of using, 105 — its culture, 406 — quantity exported, iii. 416 — price, ib. Topography of the Archipelago, i. 3 Tortoise-shell — value as an article of commerce, iii. 444 Tournaments — awkwardly exhibited in the Archipelago, i. 117 Town — description of one in the Archipelago, i. 168 — those of the maritime tribes described, 1 7 1 Tripang — description and nature, as an article of commerce, iii. 441 Turmeric — its culture, i. 462 Turnips—introduced by the English, i .376 Umbrella — ^its quality or colour a mark of rank in the Archipelago, i.2U