Page:History of the Literature of Ancient Greece (Müller) 2ed.djvu/17

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§ 2. The Ionians give the main impulse; tendency of philosophical speculation among the Ionians 240
§ 3. Retrospect of the theological speculations of Pherecydes ib.
§ 4. Thales; he combines practical talents with bold ideas concerning the nature of things 241
§ 5. Anaximander, a writer and inquirer on the nature of things 242
§ 6. Anaximenes pursues the physical inquiries of his predecessors 243
§ 7. Heraclitus; profound character of his natural philosophy 244
§ 8. Changes introduced by Anaxagoras; new direction of the physical speculations of the Ionians 246
§ 9. Diogenes continues the early doctrine. Archelaus, an Anaxagorean, carries the Ionic philosophy to Athens 248
§ 10. Doctrines of the Eleatics, founded by Xenophanes; their enthusiastic character is expressed in a poetic form 249
§ 11. Parmenides gives a logical form to the doctrines of Xenophanes; plan of his poem 251
§ 12. Further development of the Eleatic doctrine by Melissus and Zeno 252
§ 13. Empedocles, akin to Anaxagoras and the Eleatics, but conceives lofty ideas of his own 253
§ 14. Italic school; receives its impulse from an Ionian, which is modified by the Doric character of the inhabitants. Coincidence of its practical tendency with its philosophical principle 255
§ 1. High antiquity of history in Asia; causes of its comparative lateness among the Greeks 258
§ 2. Origin of history among the Greeks. The Ionians, particularly the Milesians, took the lead 260
§ 3. Mythological historians; Cadmus, Acusilaus 261
§ 4. Extensive geographical knowledge of Hecatæus; his freer treatment of native traditions ib.
§ 5. Pherecydes; his genealogical arrangement of traditions and history 263
§ 6. Charon; his chronicles of general and special history ib.
§ 7. Hellanicus; a learned inquirer into mythical and true history. Beginning of chronological researches 264
§ 8. Xanthus, an acute observer. Dionysius of Miletus, the historian of the Persian wars ib.
§ 9. General remarks on the composition and style of the logographers 265
§ 1. Events of the life of Herodotus 266
§ 2. His travels 267
§ 3. Gradual formation of his work 268
§ 4. Its plan 269