Page:History of the Municipalities of Hudson County (1924), Vol. 3.djvu/448

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Valentine, was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, October 25, 1869, and after gradu- ating from Public School No. 11, con- tinued his studies for two years in the Bay Street High School. At the end of that time he took the Regent’s Examina- tion and entered the New York Homeceo- pathic Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1884 with the degree Doctor of Medicine. After serving an interneship in Flower Hospital, he prac- ticed in Newark for a short time and then opened an office in Jersey City, where he has since been continuously engaged in general practice. About twenty years ago he removed his office to No. 559 Sum- mit avenue, and there he is still located. His practice is a very large one and he is well known as a skillful and notably faith- ful physician. He has found time to devote to the promotion of the general welfare, and for three years served as a member of the Hudson County Board of Health. He was also, for three years, the active and efficient chairman of the com- mittee that opened the Tuberculosis Hos- pital of Hudson County. Fraternally he is a member of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, and of the Independent Order of Foresters, Summit Command; and he keeps in touch with the activities of his profession in the county through membership in the Hud- son County Medical Association. He finds healthful recreation in “boosting” the local baseball games and attending the league games when he can spare the time from his professional duties, and he has a host of friends in Jersey City. His religious affiliation is with Westminster Presbyterian Church, of Jersey City. On November 13, 1894, Dr. Edwin James Glass Valentine married Katherine L. Ramsey, who was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, daughter of George, who is deceased, and of Harriett (Dunshe) Ram- sey, the latter of whom is now living in Jersey City. Dr. and Mrs. Valentine are the parents of three children: Frank Ramsey, who was born February 7, Igor; Edwin James Glass, Jr., born September 24, 1902; and Charles L., who was born May 3, 1905. CAMERON, Robert, Business Man. Since May, 1922, Robert Cameron has been engaged in business for himself in Jersey City, first in partnership with Mr. Wasserman, but since April, 1923, under the name of the Robert Cameron Sheet Metal Works, located at No. 463 Pacific avenue. Archibald Cameron, father of Mr. Cam- eron, was born in Almoret, Canada. He learned the printer’s trade, and at an early age came to Jersey City, where he con- tinued in business as a printer and where he has resided for forty years. He mar- ried Ida Mallistedt, a native of Brooklyn, New York, and they became the parents of seven children: James L., deceased; Louise L., who married Walter Shwab; A. Donald, who is a “regular” in the United States army and is stationed at Chicago, Illinois; Robert, of further men- tion; William M.; Thomas; and John C. Robert Cameron, son of Archibald and Ida (Mallistedt) Cameron, was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, May 17, 1898, and received his education in the public schools of his native city, graduating from Grammar School No. 22 in IgI4. When his school training was completed, he found employment with the National Sheet Roofing Company, of Jersey City, with whom he remained for one year. At720