PAGE. - Chap. I.—Enlistment of a Company in 1861—Their un-Military Appearance—Capturing a Merchantman—Under the Fire of Gunboats–Marching to Manassas—Picketing the Potomac—Formation of a Regiment—Evacuation of Fredericksburg
9 - Chap. II.—The Regiment Reorganized—Badly Uniformed and Poorly Equipped—On the Massaponax—Falling Back to Richmond—The Raid Around McClellan—Death of Latanè—Complimentary Orders—J. E. B. Stuart—Anticipating a Great Battle.
15 - Chap. III.–In the Van of Stonewall Jackson's Troops—The Battle of Cold Harbor—Bringing in Prisoners—Capture of the White House—Expedition to New Kent Courthouse–Marching Under a Mistake—Malvern Hill—Picketing on the James—Resting in Hanover
23 - Chap. IV.—Breaking Camp in Hanover and Storing Baggage at Louisa Courthouse—Through Orange and Culpeper—Raid on Catlett's Station—Capture of General Pope's Coat—March to Manassas Junction—Capture of Supplies—Second Battle of Bull Run—Heading Towards the Potomac—Fight at Sugar Loaf Mountain—Boonsboro'—Sharpsburg
30 - Chap. V.—Facing About to Meet the Enemy at Shepherdstown—On the Opequon—Resisting Pleasanton's Raid—Promotion of Officers—Charge at Mountsville—Fight at Aldie—At Union–At Upperville—A Gallant Exploit—Fight at Markham—At Barbee's Cross-Roads—Again in Culpeper—Reorganization of Brigade—March to Fredericksburg—In Winter Quarters in Essex—Capture of a Federal Squadron at Leedstown—Gloucester Point—Battle of Fredericksburg
43 - Chap. VI.—Picketing the Rappahannock—Outrages of the Enemy in the Northern Neck—Changes in Officers—Sergeant King Declines an Election—March to Gloucester Point—Camping Again in Culpeper—Under Fire at Rappahannock Bridge and Beverly's Ford—At Kelly's Mills—In Rear of General Hooker's Army—Opposing Averill—Charge at Rapidan Station—Charge at Trevilian's—On the Three-Chop Road—A Remarkable Coincidence—Captain Forbes Falls at Chancellorsville
58 - Chap. VII.—Camping Again in Culpeper—Grand Cavalry Review—The Hard-Fought Battle of Fleetwood or Brandy Station—In Peril at Thoroughfare Gap—Looking for the Enemy in the Dark—Second Encounter With First Rhode Island Cavalry—Middleburg Fight—Death of Captain Hungerford—Fight at Upperville—Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Wounded and Captured—Captain Robinson's Capture and Daring Escape
67 - Chap. VIII.—Returning to Middleburg—Rendezvous at Salem—In the Rear of Meade's Army—At Fairfax Courthouse—Expecting a Fight Near Dranesville—Fording the Potomac—Chasing Scott's Nine Hundred—Capturing Wagon-Train Near Rockville— Marching Northward—At Westminster—At Hanover—At Carlisle—On to Gettysburg—Fighting on the Left at Rummell's Barn