Page:History of the Ojibway Nation.djvu/430

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It is supposed, that at this time, the Ojibways began to concentrate in a village, upon the shores of Chagouamigon Bay. It was the interest of the French to draw them as far away as possible from the influence of English traders, who had appeared in the vicinity of Mackinaw.

A deputation of the Indians, around Mackinaw, arrived at Montreal, in the summer of 1694, and went back with a number of traders, about the end of September. The convoy was commanded by Sieur Delamothe Cadillac, captain of marines, on his way to relieve Sieur de Louvigny.

Sieur Le Sueur arrived at Montreal, on the 15th of July, 1695, with five Frenchmen, and a party of Lake Superior Indians, as well as a Sioux Indian and squaw, the first who ever visited Montreal.[1]


The Indians were much impressed, by witnessing the army, under Chevalier Cresafi, distinguished by ancestry and bravery, march through the streets on their way to Lake Ontario. On the 18th of July they were formally received by Governor Frontenac, in presence of the principal persons of the town. Chingouabé, chief of the Sauteurs (Ojibways) said: "That he was come to pay his respects to Onontio, in the name of the young warriors of Point Chagouamigon, and to thank him for having given them some Frenchmen to dwell with them; and to testify their sorrow for one Jobin, a Frenchman who was killed at a feast. It occurred accidentally not maliciously. We came to ask a favor of you. We are allies of the Sciou. Some Outagamis or Mascoutens have been killed. The Sciou came to mourn with us. Let us act, father, and take revenge. Le Sueur alone, who is acquainted with the language of the one and the other, can serve us. We ask that he return with us."

  1. Narrative of Occurrences 1694–95, N. Y. Col. Docs. ix. vol.