Page:History of the Ojibway Nation.djvu/544

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  • Tradition of the Totems, 43; how the Mooses were exterminated, 50; of deluge, 55, 56; of how Great Spirit created man, 58; of a great pestilence, 67; of events similar to Joseph and his brethren, 70; of the Megis (sacred sea shell), 78; of the sand bank at the mouth of St. Louis River, 81; of the murder of an Omushkas, 84; of the Munduas, 91; of Manabosho creating a bar on the lake, 102; about the coming of the whites, 118; of the Odugamee invasion, 149; of the taking of Mille Lacs, 157
  • Treaty (1787), Fort Harmar, 32; with Ojibways, 1820, at Sault Ste. Marie, 462; in 1825, at Prairie du Chien, 47, 317, 468; in 1826, at Fond du Lac, 392, 470; in 1837, at Fort Snelling, 485; in 1842, at La Pointe, 494; in 1847, at Fond du Lac, 14, 497; in 1854, 502; in 1855, at Washington, 502; in March, 1863, 504; in Oct. 1863, 506; in May, 1864, 506; in April, 1866, 506
  • Trial of Alfred Aitkin's murderer, 485
  • Trout Lake, 192
  • Trumbull, J. Hammond, on Indian names, 397
  • Tug-waug-aun-ay, Ojibway chief, 87, 89, 90, 192
  • Turner, Lt., U.S.N., at Sault Saint Marie, 460
  • Turtle Portage, 192
  • Two Rivers, Minn., 14, 17, 18
  • Uk-ke-waus, Ojibwav warrior, 337, 343
  • Urau, Mrs. Madeline, 20
  • Utica, N.Y., 12
  • Utrecht, treaty of, 422
  • Varennes, Pierre Gualtier de, 427
  • Verendrye (or Veranderie) Sieur, 98, 426, 427; son killed by Sioux, 428; sons reach Rocky Mountains, 427; map of, 428
  • Verplank, Hon. I., 14, 497
  • Vermont, 384
  • Vieux Desert, 38
  • Vincennes, 372
  • Virginia, early colonists of, 30
  • Wabash River, 33
  • Wabasha, Dakota chief, 156, 219, 220, 248
  • Wabasha village, 303
  • Wabishkeepeenas, or White Pigeon, 471
  • Wab-ud-ow, or "White Gore" Lake, 224
  • Wadden, trader, murdered, 378, 381
  • Walker, Ojibway agent, 503, 504
  • Wa-me-gis-u-go, Ojibway hunter, 129
  • Wampum, 48
  • Wa-na-ta, a Dakota chief, 359, 363, 364
  • Wa-path-a, or "Wabasha," which see
  • War, revolutionary, 9
  • War of 1812, 368, 372, 387, 459
  • War dance, 166
  • Warfare, Indian, how conducted, 249
  • War pipe, keepers of, 49, 68
  • War, much stimulated by mourning customs, 264
  • War parties, how raised, 338
  • Warpetons, the, 266, 270, 272, 304, 352, 359
  • Warren, Abraham, ancestor of W.W. Warren, 9
  • Warren, Charlotte, 12, 18
  • Warren, Gen. Joseph, 9
  • Warren, Julia, 12
  • Warren, Lvman (grandfather of W.W.), 9, 12
  • Warren, Lyman M. (father of W.W.), birth, 9; becomes trader, 10; marries, 11; farmer at Chippewa River, 12; his library, 12; other references, 326, 383, 384, 450, 464; death, 12
  • Warren, Mrs. Lyman M., 11, 12
  • Warren, Miss Mary, 12, 20
  • Warren, Richard (ancestor of W.W.), 9
  • Warren, Sophia, 12
  • Warren, Stephen (ancestor of W.W.), 9
  • Warren, Truman A. (uncle of W.W.), 9, 10, 326, 384, 391, 450, 464
  • Warren, Truman A., Jr., 12, 20
  • Warren, William W., memoir of, 9; birth, 12; education, 26; learns