Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/330

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316 History of the Radical Party in Parliament. [1841- of so extending and regulating the suffrage, and of adopting such improvements in the system of voting, as would confer on the working classes just weight in the representative body. On this proposal, Ward said that it ought not to be submitted at that time when there was no Government in office ; that the vote ought not to be taken as a test of the strength of the Radical party ; and that he should retire without voting. Roebuck, who, in the great debate which had just closed, had rebuked the Whigs for not having adhered to the principles of reform, expressed his agreement with Ward, and his intention also not to vote. Duncombe spoke strongly about this desertion, but there was little further debate. On a division, the motion was rejected by 283 votes to 39.* This discussion was rather an isolated protest on behalf of a general principle, submitted in its vindication to the new Parliament, than part of a matured scheme to attain a definite object. The minds of the most earnest Radicals were set upon a purpose which they conceived to be pressing beyond all others, that of relieving by just legislation the terrible distress under which the people were suffering. What the amount of that distress was we can scarcely realize now. As one instance, we are told that there were in Leeds alone 20,936 persons whose average earnings were only I ^d. a week ; f and throughout the whole manufacturing districts similar ex-

  • This division was the first in which Cobden had an opportunity of mani-

festing his Radicalism. The following is the list of the minority : Aglionby, H. A. Fleetwood, Sir P. H. Pechel, Capt. Bell, J. Gibson, T. Milner Powell, C. Blake, N. Granger, T. C. Rawdon, Col. Blake, M. J. Hay, Sir A. L. Rennie, G. Blake, Sir V. Hill, Lord M. Rundle, J. Blewitt, R. J. Hindley, C. Scale, Sir J. II. Bowring, Dr. Johnson, Gen. Wallace, R. Bridgeman, H. Johnston, A. Wason, R. Brotherton, J. Layard, Capt. Williams, W. Butler, Hon. Col. Marsland, H. Wilson, M. Cobden, R. Murphy, F. S. York, H. R. Collins, W. Napier, Sir C. Elphinstone, H. O'Brien, C. Crawford, S. ) Ewart, W. O'Brien, J. Duncombe, T. S. t " Villiers' Free Trade Speeches," vol. i. p. 275.