Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/440

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426 History of the Radical Party in Parliament. [1855- at immediate action. Thus, on the loth of June, leave was refused to Locke King to bring in a bill on the county fran- chise, by 204 to 145 ; and Berkeley's motion on the ballot, on the 3Oth of June, met with a similar fate, being rejected by 257 to 189. Parliament was prorogued on the 28th of August, but before that time news had arrived of a great national calamity, which for another period fortunately a short one again distracted attention from domestic affairs. The Indian Mutiny broke out into open action on the loth of May at Meerut, whence, spreading to Delhi, it assumed the propor- tions of a fearful rebellion. Soon the news reached home, and Government and people became aware that they were engaged in a life and death struggle for the maintenance of the Indian Empire. The men on whom the fortunes of England de- pended proved themselves worthy of the mighty trust. There had been momentary hesitation and indecision of counsel at Meerut ; but when the real danger was recognized there was no more weakness. Lawrence, Edwards, and Nicholson ; Havelock, Rose, Outram, and Campbell ; these, and colleagues worthy of their companionship, upheld the fortunes of their country and restored its supremacy. On the 2ist of Septem- ber Delhi was recaptured ; on the i6th of November Lucknow was finally relieved, and the back of the rebellion was broken. When Parliament met on the 8th of December, the Queen was able to speak hopefully of the prospect of restoring order and peace in India. The winter session had been called on account of the com- mercial and financial crisis, and the consequent suspension by the Government of the Bank Charter Act, for which an indemnity by Parliament was necessary. The speech from the throne, however, referred to the general' business of the session, and, amongst other things, promised the introduction of a measure on Parliamentary reform in redemption of the pledge given by the Premier in May. On the I2th of Decem- ber, when the special financial business had been transacted, an adjournment took place.