Page:History of the Radical Party in Parliament.djvu/513

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Index. 499 Prince of Wales to have him in Cabinet, 109 ; advocates conciliatory measures in 1819, 136 ; refuses to support Canning, 199 ; reform in 1830, 225 ; becomes premier his Ministry, 226 ; Reform Bill, 227 et seq. ; measures passed by his Government, 242 ; its loss of popu- larity, 242, 247; Irish Church (split in Ministry), 251 ; Irish Coercion Bill, 252, 253 ; he resigns office, 253 ; declines to form Ministry in 1835, 268 Grey, Earl (son of the above). See Howick. Grey, Sir George, 359, 461 GrosvenorpEarl, 407 Grote, George, -reply to Macintosh on reform in 1821, 154 ; his character, 238 ; poor laws, 255 ; education ques- tion, 247 ; Jamaica constitution, 298 ; proposals and motions for the ballot, 236, 266, 280, 292, 300 ; the Chartists' petition, 301 ; his last speech in Parlia- ment, 308 ; retires from Parliament, 3*3 H Habeas Corpus Act, suspension of, at end of the eighteenth century, 60, 64 ; under Aldington's Government in 1801, 73 ; in 1817, 122 ; suspension repealed in 1818, 125 Hadfield, G., 420, 424 Hall, Sir B., 390 (note) Halifax, 463 Hardcastle, J. A., 468 Hardy, trial of, 64 Harrison, 133 Hartington, Marquis of, 441 Harvey, D. W., 127, 128, 150, 289, 301 Harwich, Canning sits for, 171 Hastings, Warren, impeachment and trial of, principles involved in, 48 Hawes, 329 Hayter, Captain, 472 Henley, J. W.,435, 482 Henry, M., 377 Herbert, Mr., 108 Herbert, Sidney, 390 (note), 410, 414 Hibbert, J. T.,482 Hill, Sir Rowland, 302 Hindley, C, one of the committee on the charter, 293, 371 (note), 390 (note) Hobhouse, Sir J. C., the first philosophical Radical in Parliament, his position there, 150 ; proposes to repeal house and window tax, 161 ; advocates inter- ference on behalf of Spain against France, 172 ; on Irish Church, 175 ; teller with Hume against flogging in army 179 ; motion to reduce army ex- penditure, 187 ; speech for reform, 187 ; returned for Westminster in 1826, 189 ; in opposition to Canning, 199 ; opposes provision for Canning's family, 211 ; in Grey's Ministry does not vote for repeal of window tax in 1833, re- signs his seat for Westminster, stands again and is defeated, 245 ; in office under Melbourne in 1835, 268 ; in Rus- sell's Cabinet, 352 Hodgson, Professor, 377 Holland, Lord, 105 Hollis, B., 30 Holy Alliance, 168 Horner, opposes corn laws in 1815, 116 Horsman, E., 469 House and window tax, 161, 385 Household suffrage, advocated in 1867 by Mr. Bright and the Radicals, 480, 481 Howick, Lord (afterwards Earl Grey), 254, 304, 323, 346, 430, 433 Hume, Joseph, first enters Parliament as a Tory, 128 ; sits for Aberdeen as a Liberal, 128 ; supports petition for re- peal of law against combinations of workmen in 1819, 128 ; motion on civil list expenditure, 148 ; begins his efforts on behalf of financial reforms, 150 ; his Radicalism generally, 150 ; resolution on Irish Church in 1823, 174 ; in 1824, 179; reform of corn laws, 175, 195, 254 ; combination of artisans and export of machinery, 178, 182 ; abolition of flogging in the army, 179, 219, 244 ; his activity in 1826, 187 ; in 1837, 238 ; in 1847, 358 ; financial reform and re- trenchment, 187, 246, 365, 369, 375; returned for Aberdeen in 1826, 189 ; amendment to address in 1826, 190; opposes Canning and moves for repeal of one of the " Six Acts," 199 ; opposes provision for family of Canning, 211 ; moves for returns of pensions, 211 ; pro- poses Littleton as speaker against Man- ners Sutton, 235 ; opposes Government proposals on Church rates, 249; ex- poses Orange conspiracy in 1835, 271 ; opposes bill to strengthen Anglican episcopacy, 275 ; proposal to postpone supplies, 278 ; defeated for Middlesex, returned for Kilkenny, curious arrange- ment with O'Connell, 285; opposes suspension of constitution of Jamaica, 298 ; motions and bills for parliamentary reform, 300, 363, 364, 371, 374, 392 on Chartists and the charter, 301, 322 (note), 360, 371 ; motion to reduce allowance to Prince Consort, 304 ; de- feated at Leeds in 1841, returned for Montrose in 1842, 213 ; opposes Govern- ment education scheme in 1843, 329; votes for motion for redress of griev- ances, 332 (note) ; expression of national gratitude to Peel, 350 ; teller .for Fox's Education Bill in 1850, 378 (note) ; resists Papal Aggression Bill, 384 ; votes with Government on militia bill, 390 (note) ; death, character, influence, arid summary of work, 412 et seq. Hungary, 389 Hunt, Henry ("Orator"), 118, 119, 120, 133, 161, 188, 228, 272 Hunt, John, fined and imprisoned in 1810, 105 Hunt, Leigh, fined and imprisoned in 1810, 105 Hunt, Ward, 472