Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. I.djvu/178

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34 REIGN OF JOHN II., OF ARAGON. PART which eventually awaited him. This auspicious ^ event occurred in the little town of Sos, in Aragon, on the 10th of March, 1452 ; and, as it was nearly contemporary with the capture of Constantinople, is regarded by Garibay to have been providentially assigned to this period, as affording, in a religious view, an ample counterpoise to the loss of the cap- ital of Christendom.^^ The demonstrations of satisfaction, exhibited by John and his court on this occasion, contrasted strangely with the stern severity with which he continued to visit the offences of his elder offspring. It was not till after many months of captivity that the king, in deference to public opinion rather than the movements of his own heart, was induced to release his son, on conditions, however, so illiberal (his indisputable claim to Navarre not being even touched upon) as to afford no reasonable basis of reconciliation. The young prince accordingly, on his return to Navarre, became again involved in the 12 Compendio, torn. iii. p. 419. — nscertains with curious precision L. Marinco describes the heavens even the date of his conception, as uncommonly serene at the mo- fixes his birth in 1450. (fol. 153.' ment of Ferdinand's birth. " The But Alonso de Palencia in his His- sun, wiiich had been oI)scured tory, ( Vcrdadcra Corrinica de Don with clouds during the whole day, Enrique IV., Kei de Castilla y Le- suddenly broke forth with unwont- on, y del Rei Don Alonso su Hernia- ed splendor. A crown was also no, MS.) and Andres Bernaldez, beheld in the sky, composed of va- Cura deLosPalacios, (Historia de rious brilliant colors liko those of los Reyes Catolicos, MS., c. 8,) a rainbow. All which appearances both of them contemporaries, refer were interpreted by the spectators this event to the period assigned as an omen, that the child liien in the text ; and, as the same born would be the most illustrious epoch is adopted by the accurate among men." (Cosas Mcuiora- Zurita, (Anales, torn. iv. fol. bles, fol. 153.) Garibay postpones 9,) I have given it the prcf- the nativity of Ferdinand to the erence. year 1453, and L. Marinco, who