Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. I.djvu/213

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MARRIAGE OF FERDINAND AND ISABELLA. 69 rage attempted on a youthful bride, as she was re- chapter turning from church, after the performance of the '- — nuptial ceremony. The rights of the people could be but little consulted, or cared for, in a court thus abandoned to unbounded license. Accordingly we find a repetition of most of the unconstitutional and oppressive acts which occurred under John the Second, of Castile ; attempts at arbitrary taxation, interference in the freedom of elections, and in the right exercised by the cities of nominating the com- manders of such contingents of troops, as they might contribute to the public defence. Their ter- ritories were repeatedly alienated, and, as well as the immense sums raised by the sale of papal indul- gences for the prosecution of the Moorish war, were lavished on the royal satellites. ^ But, perhaps, the most crying evil of this period was the shameless adulteration of the coin. In- stead of five royal mints, which formerly existed, there were now one hundred and fifty in the hands of authorized individuals, who debased the coin to such a deplorable extent, that the most common 8 Alonso de Palencia, Cor6nica, dox casuists doubted the validity of MS., cap. 35.— Sempere, Hist, del such a bull. But it was decided Luxo, torn. i. p. 183. — Idem, Hist, after due examination, that, as the des Cortes, ch. 19.— Marina, Teo- holy father possessed plenary pow- ria, part. 1, cap. 20. — part. 2, pp. er of absolution of all offences 390, 391. — Zuiiiga, Anales deSe- committed upon earth, and as pur- villa, pp. 346, 349. — The papal gatory is situated upon earth, it bulls of crusade issued on these properly fell within his jurisdiction, occasions, says Palencia, contained (cap. 32.) Bulls of crusade were among other indulgences an exemp- sold at the rate of 200 maravedies tion from the pains and penalties of each; and it is computed by the purgatory, assuring to the soul of same historian, that no less than the purchaser, after death, an im- 4,000,000 maravedies were amass- mediate translation into a state of ed by this traffic in Castile, in the glory. Some of the more ortho- space of four years !