Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. I.djvu/253

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MARRIAGE OF FERDINAND AND ISABELLA. 109 III. conducted to the apartment of his mistress. ^^ Fer- ciiArxER dinand was at this time in the eighteenth year of his age. His complexion was fair, though some- what bronzed by constant exposure to the sun ; his eye quick and cheerful ; his forehead ample, and approaching to baldness. His muscular and well- proportioned frame was invigorated by the toils of war, and by the chivalrous exercises in which he delighted. He was one of the best horsemen in his court, and excelled in field sports of every kind. His voice was somewhat sharp, but he possessed a fluent eloquence ; and, when he had a point to car- ry, his address was courteous and even insinuating. He secured his health by extreme temperance in his diet, and by such habits of activity, that it was said he seemed to find repose in business. ^^ Isa- bella was a year older than her lover. In stature she was somewhat above the middle size. Her complexion was fair ; her hair of a bright chestnut color, inclining to red ; and her mild blue eye beamed with intelligence and sensibility. She was exceedingly beautiful ; " the handsomest lady," says one of her household, " whom I ever beheld, and the most gracious in her manners." ^^ The 63 Gutierre de Cardenas was the 15. — Oviedo, Quincuagenas, MS., first who pointed him out to the bat. 1, quinc. 2, dial. 1. princess, exclaiming at the same 04 l_ Marineo, Cosas Memora- time, "^se es,ese es," " This is bles, fol. 182. — Garibay, Compen- he ; " in commemoration of which dio, lib. 18, cap. 1. — " Tan amigo ho was permitted to place on his de los negocios," says Mariana, escutcheon the letters SS, whose " que parecia con el trabajo des- pronunciation in Spanish resem- cansaba." Hist, de Espafia, lib. bles that of the exclamation, which 25, cap. 18. he had uttered. Ibid., part. 2, cap. "^ «< En hermosura, puestas de-