Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. I.djvu/69

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CASTILE. 11 actment to this effect was suffered to remain on the section statute book, after it had become a dead letter, as '■ if to remind the nation of the liberties it had lost.^* The commons showed a wise solicitude in regard to the mode of collecting the public revenue, often- times more onerous to the subject than the tax itself. They watched carefully over its appropria- tion to its destined uses. They restrained a too prodigal expenditure, and ventured more than once to regulate the economy of the royal household. ^^ They kept a vigilant eye on the conduct of public officers, as well as on the right administration of justice, and commissions were appointed at their suggestion for inquiring into its abuses. They en- tered into negotiation for alliances with foreign powers, and, by determining the amount of supplies for the maintenance of troops in time of war, pre- served a salutary check over military operations.^^ phrase, "fundamental law," on John II., Henry III., and Charles the ground that these acts were V. specific, not general, in their char- 36 In 1258, they presented a va- acter. Histoire des Cortes, p. riety of petitions to the king, in 254. relation to his own personal ex- 35 " Los Reyes en nuestros Rey- penditure, as well as that of his nos progenitores establecieron por courtiers ; requiring him to dimin- leyes, y ordenan^as fechas en Cor- ish the charges of his table, attire, tes, que no se echassen, ni repar- &c. and, bluntly, to " bring his ap- tiessen ningunos pechos, seruicios, petite within a more reasonable pedidos, ni monedas, ni otros tribu- compass " ; to all which he readi- tos nueuos, especial, ni general- ly gave his assent. (Sempere y mente en todos nuestros Reynos, Guarinos, Historia del Luxo, y de sin que primeramente sean llama- las Leyes Suntuarias de Espatia, dos a Cortes los procuradores de (Madrid, 1788,) torn. i. pp. 91, todas las Ciudades, y villas de 92.) The English reader is re- nuestros Reynos, y sean otorgados minded of a very different result, por los dichos procuradores que a which attended a similar interpo- las Cortes vinieren." (Recopilacion sition of the commons in the time de las Leyes, (Madrid, 1640,) torn, of Richard II., more than a centu- ii. fol. 124.) This law, passed un- ry later, der Alfonso XI., was confirmed by 37 Marina claims also the right