Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/263

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I ROMANTIC FICTION AND POETRY. 239 Encina's eclogues are simple compositions, with chapter little pretence to dramatic artifice. The story is !__ too meagre to admit of much ingenuity or contriv- ance, or to excite any depth of interest. There are few interlocutors, seldom more than three or four, although on one occasion rising to as many as seven ; of course there is little scope for theatrical action. The characters are of the humble class belonging to pastoral life, and the dialogue, which is extremely appropriate, is conducted with facility; but the rustic condition of the speakers precludes any thing like literary elegance or finish, in which respect they are doubtless surpassed by some of his more ambitious compositions. There is a comic air imparted to them, however, and a lively colloquial turn, which renders them very agreeable. Still, whatever be their merit as pastorals, they are enti- tled to little consideration as specimens of dramatic art ; and, in the vital spirit of dramatic composition, must be regarded as far inferior to the "Celestina." The simplicity of these productions, and the facility of their exhibition, which required little theatrical decoration or costume, recommended them to popu- lar imitation, which continued long after the regular forms of the drama were introduced into Spain. ^^ de quien tenemos tres eglogas Q,ae el mismo represento al Almirante y Duquessa de Castilla, y de lufantado que estas fueron las primeras Y para mas honra suya, y de la coraedia nuestra, en los dias que Colon desciibrio la gran riqueza De Indias y nuevo mundo, y el gran Capitan empieza a sugetar aquel Reyno de Napoles, y su lierra. A descubrirse empezo el uso de la comedia porque todos se aniraassen a emprender cosas tan buenas." fol. 46, 47. ^ Signorelli, correcting- what he denominates the "romance" of Lam- pDlas, considers Encina to have composed only one pastoral drama, and that, on occasion of Ferdinand's entrance into Castile. The critic