Page:History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic Vol. II.djvu/389

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tained of the validity of the mother's title, there could be none whatever of the child's ; since those who denied the right of females to inherit for them- selves, admitted their power of conveying such a right to male issue. As a preliminary step to the public recognition of the prince, it was necessary to name a guardian, who should be empowered to make the requisite engagements, and to act in his behalf. The Justice of Aragon, in his official ca- pacity, after due examination, appointed the grand- parents, Ferdinand and Isabella, to the office of guardians during his minority, which would expire by law at the age of fourteen.[1]

Prince Miguel's recognition.

On Saturday, the 22d of September, when the queen had sufficiently recovered from a severe illness brought on by her late sufferings, the four arms of the cortes of Aragon assembled in the house of deputation at Saragossa ; and Ferdinand and Isabella made oath as guardians of the heir apparent, before the Justice, not to exercise any jurisdiction whatever in the name of the young prince during his minority ; engaging, moreover, as far as in their power, that, on his coming of age, he should swear to respect the laws and liberties of the realm, before entering on any of the rights of sovereignty himself. The four estates then took the oath of fealty to Prince Miguel, as lawful heir and successor to the crown of Aragon ; with the

  1. Blancas, Commentarii, pp. 510. 511.—Idem, Coronaciones, lib. 3, cap. 19. — Geronimo Martel,Forma de Celebrar Cortes en Aragon, (Zaragoza, 1641,) cap. 44.—Alvaro Gomez, De Rebus Gestis a Francisco Ximenio Cisnerio, (Compluli, 1569,) fol. 28.—Lanuza, Historias, lib. 1, cap. 9