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10 The famous History of

terror noon the city, infomuch that Leome- don himself was in great doubt whether he should give them battle or not; till looking, towards the market place, he perceived his! men were mustering themselves to the num- ber of 30,000 having their arms in readi- ness, which gave him new courage, so that: he descended from the upper stories of his palace, he buckled on his armour, mount- ed on his white steed, with a sword and spear glittering with gold, and rode to the head of them, encouraging them with a moving oration, to defend their city and native country by fighting manfully against the invading Greeks who came without, cause to take their wives, children, and. wealth from them; also reminding them of. the former miseries they had sustained by their fury. This so heightened their cou- rage, that they cried out as with one voice, to lead them to the port to oppose the land- ing Greeks; and there a sharp conflict en- sued between them, and many were slain; but at length Hercules leaping on shore with his mighty club, so laid about him, that such as were not slain fled his fury, till heaps of dead bodies hemmed him round whereupon the rest of the Greeks leaped on shore, and then Leomedon perceiving his men overpowered, left the shore ; however, rallying his forces before the city, and draining it of all its strength, Leomedon a-
