Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/108

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84. HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. we crave the indulgence of our readers for a few remarks concerning our paper. During the three months in which we have had the management of the 'Western Star,' we have honestly and faithfully striven to do that which was thought to be to be right and our duty to the cause of our country. From the date of the first issue we have wedded our fortunes to our country's flag resolved to stand or fall with it. And yet, strange as it may seem, here in the old loyal Keystone State, in the intelligent countj of Beaver, we have from the first met with an opposition which has been as causeless as it was unexpected, and as fierce, unrelenting and dishonorable in its nature as it has been without just cause. No sooner had we proclaimed ourselves in favor of support- ing the government and using our best endeavors to crush out the rebellion which threatens the destruction of our free government, than we were assailed by villifiers and secret enemies laboring to induce men to take their names from our subscription list. Before we had espoused the cause of the Union movement, before we had said a word in opposition to party nominations, these assassins were at work and men who were under their influence came to our oflace and withdrew their support avowing that they did so because we were supporting the government and in favor of prosecuting the war. * * And thus it went on until the reason that we were humbly laboring for the support of the government — ^no other cause under Heaven — the cry was raised that the 'Star' was 'not Democratic' and thus a few more men who didn't know the first principle of Democracy, but worshipped only the name, were also drawn off. * * * Our own personal and pecuniary interests so far as the ownership of the 'Star' is concerned, are of little value. We regard the cause of our country as infinitely superior to any consideration of that kind, and we are convinced that the real object of those who are defaming us, is to