Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/130

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106 HISTORY OP BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. Fisher Esq., who will hereafter publish it under the title of 'Beaver County Palladium.' In introducing his suc- cessor to the confidence of his old subscribers, the sub- scriber feels that the name of Mr. Fisher will be sufficient guarantee that the character of the 'Palladium' will be fully commensurate with the interests and wishes of Beaver county. Mr. Fisher has been a publisher for more than ten years, and must be well known to the citizens of this county." It was published by W. H. Whitney & Co. Mr. Fisher came from Pittsburg where he edited the "Literary Examiner and Western Monthly Review," and was also editor of the "Saturday Evening Visitor." In June 1851 Mr. Fisher started a paper in Columbus, O. Mr. Fisher took charge of the paper promising to pub- lish a clean, decent paper, that "will never be the vehicle of falsehood, or assailant of individual reputation." After defending his political standing he said: "When the heat of the political excitement shall have been lost in the result of the approaching contest, and our duty as a politician shall for the time be suspended, it will afford him pleasure to assume the less exciting, but equally grateful, duty of a herald of the business resources of Beaver county." He espoused the cause of General Harrison, and placed at the head of his paper the motto : "Take away the sword — the pen can save the state," an exclamation attributed to Eichelieu, which Mr. Fisher made the text for a two column article, political to the core. The paper was published at $2 per annum, and was the same size as its predecessor. This issue of his paper contained nine columns of Sheriff's sales, signed by David Somers Sheriff. It also contained three columns of ordinances of New Brighton borough, signed by Harvey Blanchard president of council, and Harvey Thomas clerk From the time of assuming charge of the paper until