Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/149

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BEAVER FALLS PAPERS. 121 imder Col. A. L. Hawkins in the Philippines. He was honorably discharged June 5. 1900, and was elected Connty Auditor in November 1901, for a term of three years. He was a reporter on the "Tribime" in 1900 and 1901, for New Brighton and the lower valley towns. Joseph G. Bliss was bom in North Bridgewater, Beaver county, Pa., on Sunday September 20, 1868. He learned the printing trade in the office of the "Beaver VaUey News" New Brighton, entering it in 1882, after which he went to work on the "Beaver Falls Journal," and later in 1889 on the "Tribime" of the same place, where he remained setting type until 1903, when he was appointed a reporter on the paper, which position he still holds, reporting the news of New Brighton. He is a charter member of Beaver Valley Typographical Union No. 250, previous to whch organization he was a member of Pittsburg Union No. 7. He has served as president of his Union, and also as secretary, and has represented the organization as a delegate to the Central Labor Council. Mr. Bliss was a competent printer, and was regarded as one of the most rapid in this section, but acknowledges that when he ran up against the Linotype he was more than matched, and yielded his position for one that he fills satisfactorily. Another reporter hailing from New Brighton, was Theodore C. Deitrich, who was bom in that place, and learned the trade of printing in the "Beaver Valley News" office. He went to renorting on the "Tribune," and since has reported on leading papers in Pittsburg, New York and Chicago, holding important positions. He is now in Pittsburg. Other reporters of whom we have failed to get sketches are, L. L. Carson, F. L. Parker, M. J. White, John Telford, Capt. M. B. Sloan, W. B. Kamsey, John Schreck, Hamp Newlon, H. C. Cuthbertson, George W.